La Touche Enchantée

Valérie MARRET soprano
Lyrical solo artist and choir artist of the Monaco Opera, here is the portrait of an accomplished soprano

A voice, a personality, a repertoire
Here are the roles she has played to date:
-Rosine The Barber of Seville Rossini, Rita Rita or the Beaten Husband Donizetti, Antonia The Tales of Hoffman Offenbach, Meryem Marie Magdeleine Massenet, Micaela Carmen Bizet, Mimi La Boheme Puccini, Dona Rosa Garibaldi Tozan, Eugénie Napoleon III Tozan, The Mother Amahl and the evening visitors Menotti;
-Missia The Merry Widow Léhar, Cathezrine Pomme d'api Offenbach;
Sacred music:
Gloria Vivaldi, Little Solemn Mass and Stabat mater Rossini, Stabat mater and requiem Dvorak, Saint Saens Christmas Oratorio, Mozart Coronation Mass, Ste Cécile Gounod mass.
Numerous solo and duo recitals.
Viennese concert tour with the Romanian Orchestra.
Berlioz's Summer Nights with the Craiova Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Robert Girolami
"Porgi amor" Mozart
“Come Malika” Delibes
“Donde lieta” Puccini
“Mary Magdalene”